Tuesday 17 February 2015

Endless reminiscence of summer

I came across this city by accident as I was going back home from university and had a transit stop in Shanghai. The airline made a mistake on my ticket booking, which made me have to stay in Shanghai for another day.

I was bored staying in a hotel so I decided to take an adventure. Shanghai was an unknown area to me at that time and I had no clue where I could go. I walked along the street until I found a subway station. I stepped on to the train and got off at a station just because the name of the station was interesting. After I came back up to the ground, I went on my lonely but exciting trip. I felt like that I could touch this metropolis covered in the beautiful sunshine.

Since it was during the weekday, people were busy in their office. I could hardly see any people on the road. Trees were full of lush green leaves and flowers were blooming vibrantly. All this silent beauty made the world immersed in a surreal dimension.

I kept on the path; the modern building complex emerged gradually. It seemed that just after one step, the Oriental Pearl Tower loomed in front of me. My trip was interrupted by a sudden raising awareness that I had totally lost my way and I don't know how to go back to the airport. I felt so regretful that I did not go across the road to see the Huangpu River just metres away that day.

I looked for the police officers everywhere but failed to find one, which made me call my  friend from the net who worked in Shanghai. She googled the route and directed me on the phone leading me to my destination.

Thanks to the mistakes made by the airline, I gained a memorable experience unintentionally. Although my trip was just walking through the city, I really enjoyed the peace and silence.


  1. I didn't find any peace and silence in shanghai!! I'm glad you did though!

    1. Yes, Shanghai is a really crowded city, but lucky me I was there during weekdays and people were busy in their office. ^_^
